
Dagens middagscitat: "Jasså så du har blivit så urban i din konstsyn."

Oj det har jag nog alltid varit fast aldrig pratat om det vid middagsbordet. Jag kunde inte låta bli att nämna att jag har lust att göra en massa illegala saker, för jag läste/tittade just igenom Banksy Wall and Piece (tack Mattias!). Banksy är alltså aliaset för en brittisk anonym (superkänd) graffitikonstnär. Och han är inte dum han. Jag måste nog ägna resten av inlägget till att citera fina saker han har skrivit.

"I'm going to speak my mind, so this
won't take very long.

Despite what they say graffiti is not the
lowest form of art. Although you might
have to creep about at night and lie to
your mum it's actually one of the more
honest art forms available. There is no
elitism or hype, it exhibits on the best
walls a town has to offer and nobody
is put off by the price of admission.

A wall has always been the best
place to publish your work.

The people who run our cities don't
understand graffiti because they think
nothing has the right to exist unless it
makes a profit, which makes their
opinion worthless.

They say graffiti frightens people and
is symbolic of the decline in society,
but graffiti is only dangerous in the
mind of three types of people;
politicians, advertising executives
and graffiti writers.

The people who truly deface our
neighbourhoods are the companies
that scrawl giant slogans across
buildings and buses trying to make us
feel inadequate unless we buy their
stuff. They expect to be able to shout
their message in your face from every
available surface but you're never
allowed to answer back. Well, they
started the fight and the wall is the
weapon of choice to hit them back.

Some people become cops because
they want to make the world a better
place. Some people become vandals
because they want to make the world
a better looking
place." - Banksy


Postat av: Aina

Haha seriösa middagsdiskussioner, du vet ju vad jag & pappa pratar om vid middagsbordet liksom :'D

2009-05-13 @ 22:32:57
Postat av: Jo

Ptjaa, nåt måste man ju prata om liksom, ehe eller så pratar man itne alls. Vad pratar du och din pappa om egentligen?

2009-05-13 @ 22:42:46
Postat av: Aina

Vi brukar typ prata om tv program & progamledare, vem som är dålig & inte. Eller sjunga, eller diskutera musik. Ibland pratar vi om att betala skatt. Eller Sammhället. (ingenting på en särskillt djup nivå, då skulle jag aldrig kunna fatta vad människan säger) Kul HUH!

2009-05-14 @ 15:55:15
Postat av: Jo

Det låter ju mysigt!

2009-05-15 @ 12:03:06


Kom ihåg mig?

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